Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back to the Grind

What is your grind? Do you get stuck in it often, quickly?

After the long weekend with guests and lots of activities to keep us going, the crash came on Wednesday. We quickly got back into our daily routine. Although Makenna's sleeping pattern is still catching up, everything else seemed routine and normal. We mostly chilled out all morning, visited mommy at the office for lunch, and played all afternoon. We did make the nurses and staffs' day by making the return to the office.  They absolutely adore her, not that that is hard to do.

She is getting very mobile and independent.  She has the little walker she uses to get around and I take that with to the office and she just cruises around smiling and checking everyone out.  Just like at home she tries to get into all the rooms that she is not suppose to be in.  She is thriving with her eating as well.  She eats so much and just never seems to grow either. It won't be long now that she is standing and walking all by herself and then watch out!

So to get you involved, how often do you think you step out of your comfort zone? Would you say too often, just right, or not often enough?

For me it is definitely not often enough. The Bible and God calls us to be in this world and not of it so being here should be uncomfortable for us and we should not feel at home. As humans that is hard to do.  Going further, we are called to step out of our comfort zones to minister to people, reach out to be people, and show God's love to all around us.

Of course, Christ was the perfect example of this.  He never discriminated to whom he talked to, helped, or whatever it may be. In the same way, we are not suppose to pick or choose who we think we should talk to Christ/salvation about or only do it when we feel comfortable doing it.  I struggle with this so much. I feel I live a good example for Makenna or others around me, but we are called to go so much further than that. There are so many times when I look back and realize how I could have ministered to someone or spoken up about my faith.

What can we do to make it more common a practice in our society to step out of comfort zones and minister to all that need it around us? I believe the first step can be volunteering.  It is such a common thing and something that needs to happen more.  When we put ourselves in a servant's position as Christ did, it will only grow in us to do it more and more.

What other ideas do you have? What encouragement do you have for me or any others struggling to get out of our comfort zones?

Would love to hear from you on any platform and in any way.

God Bless!

Romans 12:1-3

New International Version (NIV)

A Living Sacrifice

12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Humble Service in the Body of Christ

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Long Weekend

Alright, so it seems like a long time since the last post, sorry about that.  It was a long weekend, but very full and quite good.

Thursday was mostly just getting ready for our guests and finishing everything up.  I got the lawn mowed, but nothing really to mention so we will keep moving on.

All of the cleaning was done and we were ready for the guests, but with a 1 yr old it was trying to play and learn without making too big of a mess.  We don't need all the cleaning to go to waste right? Mom was already worried that I wouldn't have it clean enough without her being able to check it over first.  Friday evening we picked up mom fresh out of a surgery and headed to the Nashville airport. Ashley's dad and stepmom don't travel a lot and it was only like the 2nd or 3rd time they had flown so we were glad everything went smooth.
We picked up something quick to eat and headed home to try to get Makenna home close to bedtime. Of course after we get her to bed and about ready for bed ourselves Ashley gets a call from the hospital that she has a patient in that is ready to deliver. However, since we had picked her up to go her car was still at the hospital. Luckily we had the grandparents to stay with Makenna as I brought her in. Ahh the life of an OB doctor!

Most of our big plans for Saturday got rained out.  Ashley finally got home after the baby delivery somewhere around 2-4am. Don't ask me, I was trying to sleep. ;) There was a festival going on in the small town adjacent to ours that we wanted to check out and we were thinking about going to Chattanooga for a huge 150 year celebration of a battle for a re-enactment.  The strong rain all morning wiped that away, but it was nice to sleep in a little and have a low-key morning and really most of the day. Getting to watch football on a Saturday, so rough, hah. In the afternoon we did go check out the festival, which wasn't that impressive anyway and we ate at the great BBQ restaurant in town.

Another trip to Nashville on Sunday for the Tennessee Titans game. It was a beautiful day for a game and to be outside all day. Makenna did way better than I thought she would at a game for 3+ hours. Plus the Titans came from behind to score a touchdown with 15 seconds left to win! A great finish to the day, but it wasn't done. We had quite an adventure just going back to the car.

We are walking back to the car of course with tons of traffic and all of a sudden a loud screech and bang! That's right someone talking on the phone and going way to fast and rear ends the car in front of them. Been a while since I had seen/heard an accident, not that I really car to see them.
Then as we are walking back to our car we see it as like the only one in the "free" lot we parked in and there are guys kind of walking around it. Well we get back and are loading up and some people walk over and ask if we paid to park there. After we say no, they say well count your blessings because everyone else was towed! We definitely thought of this as we parked there because no one was taking money and hoped and prayed we wouldn't be towed.  For some reason God was looking out for us in not having our car towed.  We are not sure that everyone got towed, but there were at least a few people there not really sure where to call or what to do because of this.  There were no signs up about possible towing. Praise be to God!

Boy what a day Monday ended up being! Not what I expected when I woke up, but in a good way. We kind of chilled in the morning to make sure Makenna got one good nap and then after lunch we headed up the mountain to do some hiking. Ashley's dad wanted to see a waterfall.  We stop by the visitor center to get some info and off we go. The waterfall we were headed for was the biggest in the area, something like 62 feet. There was a great path to an overlook to see it and it was quite impressive.  Then we head down to the base of it.  The path then becomes all rocks to use as steps down, a difficult path alone and that much harder caring a 20+ pound 1 yr old strapped to your front to make it harder to see where your stepping.  All went well thought and we go some great pictures from the bottom.

I thought the was kind of the end as going back up the same path was more of a toll on our out-of-shape legs. Boy was I wrong! We then headed in the opposite direction and end up walking all the way around the waterfall to get pictures from every side of it.

I have no idea how far we hiked, but all in all with a few short stops for pictures we walked for 1 1/2 hrs. It was very beautiful and worth it, but if you would have told me this when I was getting out of bed, I may have stayed in a little longer.
After the hike we stopped at a nice little dutch bakery we found and headed for another trip back to Nashville as grandpa and grandma had to fly out early in the morning.  We found a very good mexican restaurant to fill our stomachs up with and mostly because of Makenna we were all in bed and sleeping by 9:30.

We totally messed Makenna up with the 4:30 wake up and trip to the airport, then trying to get more sleep, up at 8:30 for breakfast, pack up and a nap while heading home at 10. To say she was thrown off schedule would be more than accurate and we had kind of a fussy toddler for the rest of the day. Of course we did expect this to an extent and overall she was a very good trooper again and we wouldn't change it or her at all. The rest of Tuesday was full of trying to get back on schedule, realizing grandpa and grandma where no longer here to play with and lots of laundry. Oh yeah, and back to more cleaning!

We this is probably more than enough to read so I think we will end it here and hopefully get back into normal posts tomorrow. Hope you had a great weekend as well and I would love to hear about it, please connect with me and tell me all about it.  And thanks for coming on this adventure with us!

Hope to see you back for more!
God Bless!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What day is it?!

Wednesday consisted of more cleaning to get ready for the in-laws, running errands, and visiting mommy at the office.  Makenna is getting really good at using her little walker that she walks behind and really impressed the nurses and staff with her mobility. And of course she blew them away with her cuteness! I had her in an outfit we got from some friends that has a big rainbow tutu and matching hair clip.  Although they hair clip didn't last long she was still strutting her stuff as you can see here.

I also experiment with no morning nap.  No mixed reviews here she was plenty cranky by lunch time, but of course she has to show off when people are around so we didn't see the results at the office only in the car and at home, also see photo above.  She did do pretty well with is, she is such a trooper for us, but that will not become a common occurrence yet.

Not a lot of words of wisdom or deep thoughts today, but my devotional verse really hit me this morning.

Jonah 2:8

New International Version (NIV)
“Those who cling to worthless idols
    turn away from God’s love for them.
Isn't that the truth though? Such simple words, but so much behind them.  How easy would it be to just skip right ever that verse. God is so straight forward with us. As we humans it is so easy for us to cling to worthless stuff and we think we are better off for it.  Instead we are turning away the greatest gift ever, the Love of the Lord! It sounds like two polar opposites, but its so true, if we are going after idols and materials or fame or money, anything like that, the Bible is very clear that we are then turning our heads on God and his love that he freely gives us.

I know I do that Way to often.  How about you?  Would love to hear from you and connect with you if you are still reading this. Leave a comment, connect on Google Plus whatever is easier for you.

God Bless!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Preparation, is it ever fun?

Our Tuesday are usually our lay low days.  If we ever get a day to stay in our pj's all day Tuesday is the day.  Ashley (mommy) got some time to come home for lunch and spend a couple hours with us in the afternoon.  Other than that is was just playing and for me, cleaning to prepare for Ashley's dad and stepmom to come over the weekend.  Lots of laundry, vacuuming and cleaning three toilets, fun stuff!

Is preparing for things ever fun?  I mean there is preparing for tests, big projects, preparing for trips, or people to come.  Can anyone think of a time when preparing for something is fun?

Anyway, as I was watching and trying to stop my daughter from getting into everything she is not supposed to be in, it got me thinking.  She does not know all these things are bad for her or will hurt her and sometimes I do let her explore and try to figure it out, she knows not to go on the ledge by the fire place already. In her ignorance, if its okay calling someone that young that, she is much like a new Christian.

As someone who grew up in a Christian home I sometimes catch myself, for a lack of a better word, judging non-Christians for things they do.  However, we cannot hold them to the standard we hold ourselves to as they may not even know its wrong or bad for them.  Of course as nonbelievers they don't believe the same things as us and even if they know or have been told, if they don't believe its bad for them, whats to stop them.

It is our job as believers to let them explore in some areas and lead them to safety in others.  Much like I try to steer Makenna away from danger and take her attention off of the bad stuff she wants to get into, we need to steer nonbelievers away from the dangers and distractions of this world.  If in anyway we can, we need to of course try to lead them to the Lord, but in the very least lead them away from the dangers.

Where are you in your faith?  Are you the nonbeliever or a new believer that still needs lots of guidance? Are you someone who can do the leading?  I would love to hear from you and hear where you have lead someone in the right direction or maybe where you have been lead in the right direction.

This is something we will again never fully conquer until we reach the perfection that is heaven, but that shouldn't discourage us from trying to improve each day.

God Bless!

1 Corinthians 8:9

New International Version (NIV)
Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.

Mark 9:42

New International Version (NIV)

Causing to Stumble

42 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, Monday!

Are you one of those people that dreads Mondays and can't wait for it to be over?

Well, I am not... I have an awesome job of taking care of, teaching, and playing with my daughter.  So really everyday is the same except for what we do, but for me same job everyday and I Love It!  I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ok, ok, I will stop rubbing it in now. So for us every Monday and Wednesday we trek to mommy's office for lunch.  Makenna loves all the attention she gets from the nurses and office staff and they of course adore her and often times she makes their day, or even week just with her cuteness (she gets that from her mom).

Besides visiting mom our Monday was pretty low key. It was quite warm out so most of it we stayed inside, practiced her walking and just trying to get into everything she could that she isn't suppose to. She is really good at that last part. Makenna is also getting better and better at eating the same food as us, which is very welcomed by me so I don't have to really make 2 meals.

So my thoughts for today are about having or doing the same job everyday.  I know even before I became a dad and was a teacher, I often found myself getting caught in routine leading to "going through the motions." This becomes even easy when my whole job and every day revolves around taking care of my daughter.

Since becoming a stay-at-home dad I too often have found myself just "going through the motions" instead of really doing everything to the best of my ability as we are called to do.  This is something I try to work on everyday now that it has really come to my attention. It is so easy to let Makenna just play with her toys and take a moment for myself and I realize this is sometimes necessary.  However, my first job and calling for this time in my life is to be totally dedicated to her and helping her to become the girl/woman God has called her to be.

As humans its always a challenge for us to fight selfishness and that's what I feel I have to do on a higher scale everyday.  Instead of giving into the selfish desires of sitting and allowing her to just play for a majority of the day, I need to fight it and make a conscious choice to take advantage of this time in her life.  Also, taking advantage of being able to stay home with her at this point in her life and mine for that matter is really important to me.

How about you? Do you find yourself getting stuck "going through the motions?" Do you find yourself giving into selfish desires more often that you would like?  We are and always will be sinful humans (at least until we get to heaven) and will be fighting selfishness.  I challenge you to find someone you can share with about this topic. Feel free to connect with me and share any struggles or ways you have found that help!

God Bless!

Colossians 3:23-24

New International Version (NIV)

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Park, a Fair, and deep Thoughts

Alright folks, as this is my first installment here on this blog, please do bare with me.  I am going to try not to let myself ramble on and to always connect things together.

So over the weekend I thought a good format for this blog would me to just recap the adventures from the previous day on each blog post.  Then on Monday it would be the recap for the weekend adventures.  Also, I of course want try and make this more than just what we did (that is too much like a diary), but more put thoughts that come up, how they come up in my mind, and how that can help us all grow and be better people. So it is all your job to keep me to that.


On Friday afternoon we made our way to the park and did a little swinging and sliding.  On Friday night there was a community cancer walk from 6 pm to midnight that we made an appearance at for my wife's practice as they had a booth set up for support there. Was a great time seeing all the support and catching up with people, but also ended in a late night for Makenna, which always has mixed results.


Saturday ended up as a lazy day, mostly watching football and getting a few things done around the house and ending with a movie night. We watched "Chasing Mavericks" which says it is based on true events.  I don't know how close it sticks to that, but was a very entertaining movie and I would recommend it as a family watch or just as one who keeps you interested.


We finally got back to church this weekend as it had been a few weeks that we had made it.  We then headed Nashville for the Tennessee State Fair. It was quite warm and we think a little dull for a fair, probably because it was the last day. However, it was a good family day and we really enjoyed it.  Of course we also got to enjoy that great fair food! We had some corndogs, chili cheese fries (as always), and Ashley got some roasted corn as well.  I enjoyed a strawberry shake and she got a fresh lemonade.  Another long day that ended with us all quite tired at the end, but well worth it. Makenna got to see and pet (kind of) some farm animals. She seems so interested from a far, but when she is close enough to pet them she gets all scared, haha. She seems to be kind of a wimp about some things like that, we will just have to fix it. We also saw some pig races, dogs catching frisbees, huge pumpkins and watermelon, and Makenna did a little tunnel exploration and sliding.  No rides for us this year though, maybe next year.  It just doesn't seem worth it at her age.

The content:

Alright so have you ever had that moment where you catch yourself drifting off and thinking about anything except for what is happening in the present and right in front of you?  How often do you think you have one of these, everyday, once a week, month?

I don't feel I have too many of these, but I definitely had one while in church this past Sunday.  We are singing a song and praising the Lord and I catch myself thinking forward to the rest of the day and week. Maybe I have more than this and just don't realize it, but it really bothered me on Sunday. 

At that point I made the conscious decision to be in the moment, to get the most out of it, and enjoy it! I believe it helped me immensely. I really enjoyed the sermon and the rest of the day and for me it all points back to this moment. 

For me, I am going to try to be more aware of when this is happening and how I can stop it or at least take advantage of it as I did Sunday.  I would challenge you to do the same.  For a day, week, month whatever you think it will take to enhance your life and living in the moment, do it!  

If you take this challenge and succeed (or even fail or struggle) please connect with me and share how it has helped you or your struggles. Let us help each other become better people and enjoy this gift of life a little better.

God Bless!

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Hello and I am so glad you found your way to my blog!

This is going to be my way of daily documenting my adventures as a stay-at-home dad and husband. So let me first tell you a little about me.

My name is Dan DeWitt, I am a teacher, retired for now to raise my daughter Makenna.  My lovely wife, Ashley, is an OB/GYN with her own practice here in Tennessee. She does have a partner to share call with and looking for a 3rd, but both of those things keep us plenty busy.

I grew up in the midwest, Minnesota mostly, but have also lived in South Dakota, Iowa (college), Michigan and Ohio before moving down to Tennessee.  I grew up in a very rural area, the town I grew up in had a population of around 1100 people. I grew up in a Christian home and mostly Christian environment. A lot of people would probably say I was sheltered, but I believe I have been exposed to quite a bit since. Also, I would not trade it for anything, being in a small town like that we had a lot of freedoms that kids don't in bigger cities or really even that kids do now-a-days.

North Carolina basketball is a huge passion for me!  I am very loyal to my Tar Heels. I rarely miss a game, on TV anyway as we are not quite close enough to just go to the games. The one room I got to decorate in our house is completely decked out in UNC blue and swag.  I am sure I will talk about this more so we will leave it at this.

I also do have a UNC blog that you probably can find through blogger, but here is a link you want to check it out- UNCHoopsTalk.  I also do a youtube podcast through that, mostly for fun, but hopefully some people do watch/listen and enjoy it as well. If you would like to check that out here is that link- podcast.

In order to not make this to long and bore you, I am going to wrap up the introduction here. I aim to blog my adventures everyday, or at least every week day. I want to challenge myself to stick with this and make it a habit, almost like a diary, but don't really want this to be just a diary at the same time. If there is more background information you would like to know or suggestions you may have, please feel free leave a comment below and I will try to accommodate. Also, I have put ads on the blog just so if anyone feels so inclined to click on them and add a little to the fund, feel free.  It doesn't give much, but every little bit counts right?  Also, if you order from Amazon, please click on the banner on this blog first and then I get a little percentage of whatever you spend there, no matter what you buy.  It doesn't cost you anything so why not right? ;)

Hopefully, you can enjoy the adventure half as much as we do!
Lastly, you can connect with me on Google Plus, just click follow under my picture off to the right and please connect with me, introduce yourself, and let me know this is where you found me.  Look forward to hearing from you and maybe hearing your adventure.

God Bless!

Hebrews 10:24-26

New International Version (NIV)
24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.