Thursday, September 19, 2013

What day is it?!

Wednesday consisted of more cleaning to get ready for the in-laws, running errands, and visiting mommy at the office.  Makenna is getting really good at using her little walker that she walks behind and really impressed the nurses and staff with her mobility. And of course she blew them away with her cuteness! I had her in an outfit we got from some friends that has a big rainbow tutu and matching hair clip.  Although they hair clip didn't last long she was still strutting her stuff as you can see here.

I also experiment with no morning nap.  No mixed reviews here she was plenty cranky by lunch time, but of course she has to show off when people are around so we didn't see the results at the office only in the car and at home, also see photo above.  She did do pretty well with is, she is such a trooper for us, but that will not become a common occurrence yet.

Not a lot of words of wisdom or deep thoughts today, but my devotional verse really hit me this morning.

Jonah 2:8

New International Version (NIV)
“Those who cling to worthless idols
    turn away from God’s love for them.
Isn't that the truth though? Such simple words, but so much behind them.  How easy would it be to just skip right ever that verse. God is so straight forward with us. As we humans it is so easy for us to cling to worthless stuff and we think we are better off for it.  Instead we are turning away the greatest gift ever, the Love of the Lord! It sounds like two polar opposites, but its so true, if we are going after idols and materials or fame or money, anything like that, the Bible is very clear that we are then turning our heads on God and his love that he freely gives us.

I know I do that Way to often.  How about you?  Would love to hear from you and connect with you if you are still reading this. Leave a comment, connect on Google Plus whatever is easier for you.

God Bless!

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