Friday, September 13, 2013


Hello and I am so glad you found your way to my blog!

This is going to be my way of daily documenting my adventures as a stay-at-home dad and husband. So let me first tell you a little about me.

My name is Dan DeWitt, I am a teacher, retired for now to raise my daughter Makenna.  My lovely wife, Ashley, is an OB/GYN with her own practice here in Tennessee. She does have a partner to share call with and looking for a 3rd, but both of those things keep us plenty busy.

I grew up in the midwest, Minnesota mostly, but have also lived in South Dakota, Iowa (college), Michigan and Ohio before moving down to Tennessee.  I grew up in a very rural area, the town I grew up in had a population of around 1100 people. I grew up in a Christian home and mostly Christian environment. A lot of people would probably say I was sheltered, but I believe I have been exposed to quite a bit since. Also, I would not trade it for anything, being in a small town like that we had a lot of freedoms that kids don't in bigger cities or really even that kids do now-a-days.

North Carolina basketball is a huge passion for me!  I am very loyal to my Tar Heels. I rarely miss a game, on TV anyway as we are not quite close enough to just go to the games. The one room I got to decorate in our house is completely decked out in UNC blue and swag.  I am sure I will talk about this more so we will leave it at this.

I also do have a UNC blog that you probably can find through blogger, but here is a link you want to check it out- UNCHoopsTalk.  I also do a youtube podcast through that, mostly for fun, but hopefully some people do watch/listen and enjoy it as well. If you would like to check that out here is that link- podcast.

In order to not make this to long and bore you, I am going to wrap up the introduction here. I aim to blog my adventures everyday, or at least every week day. I want to challenge myself to stick with this and make it a habit, almost like a diary, but don't really want this to be just a diary at the same time. If there is more background information you would like to know or suggestions you may have, please feel free leave a comment below and I will try to accommodate. Also, I have put ads on the blog just so if anyone feels so inclined to click on them and add a little to the fund, feel free.  It doesn't give much, but every little bit counts right?  Also, if you order from Amazon, please click on the banner on this blog first and then I get a little percentage of whatever you spend there, no matter what you buy.  It doesn't cost you anything so why not right? ;)

Hopefully, you can enjoy the adventure half as much as we do!
Lastly, you can connect with me on Google Plus, just click follow under my picture off to the right and please connect with me, introduce yourself, and let me know this is where you found me.  Look forward to hearing from you and maybe hearing your adventure.

God Bless!

Hebrews 10:24-26

New International Version (NIV)
24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

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