Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, Monday!

Are you one of those people that dreads Mondays and can't wait for it to be over?

Well, I am not... I have an awesome job of taking care of, teaching, and playing with my daughter.  So really everyday is the same except for what we do, but for me same job everyday and I Love It!  I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ok, ok, I will stop rubbing it in now. So for us every Monday and Wednesday we trek to mommy's office for lunch.  Makenna loves all the attention she gets from the nurses and office staff and they of course adore her and often times she makes their day, or even week just with her cuteness (she gets that from her mom).

Besides visiting mom our Monday was pretty low key. It was quite warm out so most of it we stayed inside, practiced her walking and just trying to get into everything she could that she isn't suppose to. She is really good at that last part. Makenna is also getting better and better at eating the same food as us, which is very welcomed by me so I don't have to really make 2 meals.

So my thoughts for today are about having or doing the same job everyday.  I know even before I became a dad and was a teacher, I often found myself getting caught in routine leading to "going through the motions." This becomes even easy when my whole job and every day revolves around taking care of my daughter.

Since becoming a stay-at-home dad I too often have found myself just "going through the motions" instead of really doing everything to the best of my ability as we are called to do.  This is something I try to work on everyday now that it has really come to my attention. It is so easy to let Makenna just play with her toys and take a moment for myself and I realize this is sometimes necessary.  However, my first job and calling for this time in my life is to be totally dedicated to her and helping her to become the girl/woman God has called her to be.

As humans its always a challenge for us to fight selfishness and that's what I feel I have to do on a higher scale everyday.  Instead of giving into the selfish desires of sitting and allowing her to just play for a majority of the day, I need to fight it and make a conscious choice to take advantage of this time in her life.  Also, taking advantage of being able to stay home with her at this point in her life and mine for that matter is really important to me.

How about you? Do you find yourself getting stuck "going through the motions?" Do you find yourself giving into selfish desires more often that you would like?  We are and always will be sinful humans (at least until we get to heaven) and will be fighting selfishness.  I challenge you to find someone you can share with about this topic. Feel free to connect with me and share any struggles or ways you have found that help!

God Bless!

Colossians 3:23-24

New International Version (NIV)

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

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